Silversil disinfectants are manufactured using nanotechnology.
The term “nanotechnology” in 1974 was invented and introduced by the professor of the Tokyo scientific university Norio Taniguchi.
Today nanotechnology is the most financed scientific direction in the world. The influence of nanotechnology takes on a global character, changes the economy and affects all aspects of life, including work and social relations. in fact, nanotechnology has already given rise to the third, unprecedented in its scope scientific and technological revolution.
Nano (from the Greek nanos-dwarf) is a billionth part of something, i.e. one nanometer is one billionth of a meter (1nm = 10-9m).
One nanometer is 50,000 times less than the thickness of a human hair.
The surface area of a silver coin weighing 5 g, split up to the size of nanoparticles, is commensurate with the area of the football field. To visually imagine the scale of nano-objects, it is enough to compare a tennis ball and a planet to the earth.
World science has proven that virtually any substance in the nanoscale state acquires new unique properties.
In the process of production of Silversil microelements, only silver and copper of the highest purity sample (99.9-99.99%), organic citric acid, high purity water are used.
Production of disinfectants Silversil occurs in 3 stages:
Physical nanotechnology:
with the help of high-power electric impulses and high energies in highly purified water, our scientists create conditions and realize a chain reaction of metal explosion to obtain a solution of highly charged nanoparticles.
Unique properties and characteristics of Silversil nanoparticles:
high charge: explosion energy, dense electron flux and a powerful electric field create a high charge of nanoparticles, which causes their ultrahigh activity.
active surface: practically all the atoms that make up the nanoparticle are on its surface, this makes it easy for the substance to enter into chemical reactions and bonds.
unique purity: the purity of each of the components of the system – water, metal, electrical energy – ensures that there are no impurities, by-products and chemical impurities in the resulting nanorubes.
The second stage of the nanotechnological process is based on the direct interaction of the previously obtained solution of metal nanoparticles with biologically important and safe for humans and animals citric acid. The highly charged and overactive nanoparticles obtained in the first stage have such a high energy that it is easy to trigger a direct reaction between metal and citric acid without the use of additional chemical reagents and toxic catalysts. Citric acid binds nanoparticles and forms organic microelement compounds (citrates).
For various applications, we mix silver citrate and copper citrate with hydrogen peroxide or deionized water.