Areas of application:
Disinfection of the water of swimming and health pools, water parks, artificial reservoirs with fresh and sea water,
Disinfection of “bowls” and equipment of swimming pools;
Disinfection and preservation of filter loads;
Disinfection of tanks, pipelines and storage of drinking water.
- Effectively disinfects water even at a water temperature above 40 ° C.
- Does not require additional equipment.
- Water after the addition of the means does not change color and odor; does not cause allergies, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.
- It has antimicrobial action against bacteria, and also destroys viruses and fungi (including sporeforming forms, yeasts, molds, etc.).
- Has a strong overwhelming effect on the growth of microalgae (if there is already algae in the water, the use of a shock dose of algaecide is recommended).
- Does not have a mutagenic and carcinogenic effect.
- Environmentally safe (water from the pool can be used for irrigation).
- High disinfection time of pool water: at least 21 days – until the next treatment.
- Low consumption of the preparation: 1 liter of concentrate or 5 liters of solution per 12.5 m3 of water; further, the concentration of silver is maintained by the addition of Silversil Aqua (200 ml per 10 m3) and depends on the load on the pool during operation (removal of water on bodies, natural evaporation, heavy rains, etc.).
- Disinfecting treatment of industrial and commercial premises, external surfaces of technological and commercial equipment, premises with increased requirements for sanitation, incl. in medical institutions.
Composition / Packaging / Cost
composition: a solution of silver citrate (active silver not less than 0.3 g / l) and hydrogen peroxide (not less than 17.0%).
packing: volume 1 liter (polymer bottle), volume 5 liters (canister).
cost of the solution -46 BYN with VAT per 1 liter
Instructions for use
Application for disinfection of swimming pools:
When using the pool for the first time or after thoroughly cleaning the pool, apply Silversil Aqua solution to all available surfaces, especially carefully at the corners and seams of the pool to destroy or prevent the multiplication of bacteria, algae spores and fungi. It is not necessary to wash off , you can fill swimming pool with water immediately.
The first introduction – is 1 liter per 10 m3 of water,
then weekly it is necessary to add 200 ml to 10 m3 of water.
If the swimming pool is visited and exploitation by a large number of people, then the dose of the first and weekly treatment should be increased by approximately 25%.
Download instruction of use